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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Teaching Our Daughters

Tonight I listened to the video posted below and I have to say one of my favorite sermons that I have watched or heard in a long time. Don't get me wrong I love learning the whole bible but to hit a topic like this is rare. It's not being taught in many congregations even the Messianic and Torah teachings.

I had been thinking about doing a post about our daughters and what I hope I can teach them. This one hour video pretty much sums it up. Voddie Bauchman speaks of how women's role is in the home and to her husband.

My favorite quote was "You are not a piece of meat to fulfill a man's sinful desire, but you are worth far more than rubies". We live in a world that promotes sexuality in a way that our 13 and 14 year old daughters should not be desiring. We are a blended family meaning my older two are not biologically from my husband, however that has never been the structure of our home. So I understand the struggles that it takes and what women go through when the man up and leaves, or isn't willing to take care of his kids on his own, because I have been there.

After watching the video it actually prompted me to teach my oldest daughter more about what her role is and what she needs to be looking for. She is only 11 years old, but being in public school for the past year and a half I am sure there is some views, and things that we need to reroute and redirect her to. It's crazy to think in the next 10 years she could be getting married and starting a family of her own. My prayer and hope is that she finds a man that embraces and lives out the Titus 2 scriptures. Not just for a short time and not just to marry her, but because he truly believes in the scriptures.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Lesson In Goals

Since our kids are still learning about setting goals. We wanted to emphasize on goals that were attainable, reachable, but needed some hard work at the same time. I only did the assignment with the 4 older kids. So I sat them all down in a circle and made a word document of the assignment. I had one large rectangle that read "2012 Goals" and below that it had said "My 2012 Goals are...". I then inserted 3 circles and had them either write a short sentence or draw a picture of what they wanted their goals to be.

Before I gave them their paper I asked them to explain to me what a goal is. Ariah so eager to answer anything said "It's something very special". Of course she was write a goal is something very special and so I encouraged her that she answered with a good answer. Michael didn't want to answer and Alissa explained to the others what a goal was while I elaborated on it. I explained that a goal can be something you want to do by a certain time frame. It didn't have to be a big goal or like some one else, but your own. I explained it could be a new skill, or achieve a new level on their favorite game. So a few things they came up with was....


  • Learn to ride a bike without training wheels. 
  • Learn to read. 
  • Write her name better. 
  • Learn to read better and every night. 
  • Learn cursive. 
  • Be a better listener to mommy and daddy. 
  • Be a better reader. 
  • Write cursive better. 
  • To learn to cook more things. 
I loved how creative all the kids got and worked together. We then glued them on a poster board and hung them up in our classroom. The kids were all so eager to show daddy when he came home. They couldn't wait and they were proud to show him their goals. My goal is to keep it visible and help them to work at each goal. I have to say this was an amazing accomplishment of them all. I am very proud of how well they worked. We did let Jayel in on it too, but she just colored and cut up the circles. She will be more actively involved I think as the months go on. 

Juanita E. 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

First Snowfall

The anticipation has been coming more and more each day. We have been eagerly awaiting our first real snowfall. We had flurries here and there maybe once or twice but nothing like today. Waking up to a little bit of snow only builds the anticipation of when my husband can retire and we can live in the mountains the way Yahweh wants us to live. We don't believe Yahweh ever intended us to live under this control, slavery, and bondage of "work".

So today me and the kids had a lighter load of school work we will call it early release due to the ice, snow and cold temperatures. Then we made mini pie tarts out of different butters I had made earlier in the fall. We mixed our cinnamon apple butter, pecan butter and pumpkin butter. We made a pie crust and filled them with some pecans. My husband has been asking me to make some and finally was well enough to do it. I have to say it builds the dream of living in the mountains only so much more. The kids loved the snow but only wanted to be out there for a short time as the our dogs played in the snow it was all worth the wait.

I know the snow we will be getting in Colorado will be so much more but with retirement us living off our land with my sisters and family only feet away is exciting to think about. The time will come in Yahweh's timing and not ours, but it is nice to think about how it will be.

So the kids enjoyed it and so did I. As our pot roast cooks with potatoes, carrots, corn, onions and seasonings. I am going to enjoy this glorious day that he has given us. There is no beauty greater than what Yahweh has given us with his seasons, hills, mountains, and trees. No matter how hard man tried the beauty of the snow falling, and the trees covered with a white sheet can never be replaced or reproduced.

Juanita E.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Shabbat 1/6/2012

While I was sick and being I am still recovering this is our first Shabbat that we will be honoring again since end of November. We recently informed the kids that this is what our Friday at sundown to Saturday at sundown would consist of. They didn't seem to pleased. In the past it mostly consisted of them playing outside or watching movies.

This Shabbat we have planned for them to read parts of the bible, lead a prayer with the younger ones and tell us what they think the verses meant. Of course they will not be teaching our younger ones as they are still too young, but they will be assisting me in coloring for them and keeping them quiet while daddy teaches us.

Some of the snacks I chose for us is popcorn, salad, fresh fruit, granola, pudding, and pizza. I have found myself getting rather creative and easier as the weeks go on. For this weeks study with our kids we have chosen to elaborate more on respecting our elders. Going into a deeper detail on sin and why we shouldn't do it. I have to say as we teach them what we would think are simple things in the bible like going over the 10 commandments we are learning so much more. It's a new level for us but thankful that we still have the opportunity to do it freely in our home without risking being killed for even having a bible in our home.

So Shabbat Shalom to all of my friends and readers. After this weekend I will try to get together what we learned and what scriptures we talked about. It could be something that you could use.


MIA (Missing in Action)

I have not been online much and have recently decided to deactivate my FB account. There were several things that didn't settle well with me and my family. We have made some major family changes and decisions that I am sure our kids feel out of the norm with. I quote my daughter when we told her she would be home schooled starting this week "I just want to be a normal child and go to school".

After sitting her and our other little blessings down to explain to them that we are not the norm and we never will be, but the set apart. Living a life and following Torah isn't easy and is a lot harder than when I was in a Christian congregation. At least in the Christian congregation my kids had some other like minded friends. Being with our faith and beliefs it comes so far and few that it's hard on them and me too, but we have to keep strong and our faith to know it's about pleasing Yahweh.

The past almost 2 months I have realized how much stress I was under with Facebook, and being online. I almost made the choice to delete even this blog, but went over the posts that I didn't feel were uplifting to Yahweh or Yahushua and deleted them. (Don't worry it was only about 4 or 5 posts).

I am excited to say that I can blog and put my thoughts out there even if no one does read them. LOL. I will try to blog at least once a month about our  lives, what we are learning and teaching our kids. Life with our blessings is constant, hard, difficult, emotional but most of all rewarding. I love each day with them and they teach me so much more than I teach them. Watching them care for each other gives me hope that if Yahweh chooses to take me before I am ready I know they will mend together and stand strong. They will encourage each other in any way possible. Their relationships with each other give me hope and pleasure that I am doing what I can to make sure they are growing up the way Yahweh wants them to be raised.
