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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Oil Pulling Journal Day 5

I didn't oil pull on day 3 and 4, because of DH's schedule. I was hoping I would have been able to but wasn't. This morning I almost didn't do it. I was nervous about having to start all over again and only being able to go for maybe a few minutes again. I almost didn't do it and debated in my head for a good 10 minutes, then I read a testimony about a girl that oil pulled for 2 months. All of her allergies, and respiratory issues were gone. The dentist was very shocked and wanted to know what she had been doing because her gums, and teeth were extremely clean and healthy. It's stories like hers that give me hope in knowing that it is something I can do. I know the benefits and I just have to suck it up and do it.

With that being said this morning I popped about a whole teaspoon in my mouth. I don't like to melt it, because it just feels too weird in my mouth if I do. So I started to swish. After about 4 minutes out came the coconut oil. I was coughing and gagging at first. I thought man this is horrible. How am I going to get through this. So I got the spoon and got another teaspoon and this time not so bad. I was able to go for about 16 minutes total. I just kept swishing and then spit out. I rinse my mouth out with some salt water to help flush out what ever else and spit it in the trash. I don't want to swallow any of it.

Some things I did notice the past couple of days that I didn't oil pull was back pain. I started to have increase of back and joint pain again. I also had a hard time following asleep. I don't know if it is related or not, but I think I should take note of it. It may get better and it may not. My goal is that by April 25th I will be oil pulling for the full 20 minutes with no problem at all. My biggest concern is with getting my fillings removed and want to make sure I can get as much bacteria out as possible for the days following.

I will keep on tracking my progress as the days go on. I will keep all of you posted on how I do. If you have started to oil pull or have any tips, or ideas please share them with me. I know others would love to know more. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Oil Pulling Journal Day 3

This morning when I woke up to oil pull I noticed I wasn't very tired. Last night I was able to go to sleep without any issues by 10 PM. This is a common goal for me. I like to be in bed and asleep by 10 and up by 6 AM. I am a morning person and if I sleep too late I feel like the day is half over.

I went and got the coconut oil and started swishing. Not bad then about 6 minutes hit and had to spit it out again. It wasn't that bad though and I got more and popped another 1/4 of a teaspoon in. I didn't let it melt this time but I could feel it pulling together. After about 20 minutes I spit it out rinsed my mouth and that was it.

I thought it would take me a lot longer to get up to the 20 minute mark. My next goal is to move up to 1 tablespoon of coconut oil now. This may help me quite a bit with going longer. This is a large victory for me and if I can do it in 3 days any one can. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Oil Pulling Journal Day 2

After yesterday I was so sure that this wasn't going to get any better any time soon. I was convinced that it was going to take a few days just to build up to five minutes. I asked a few friends on Facebook how they do it. One suggested to do something while I do it. Don't just stand in the bathroom or kitchen. She suggested do dishes, start breakfast anything like that. 

So this morning I woke up to make DH breakfast smoothie. I popped in 1/4 of a teaspoon in my mouth and started to swish. I do this very slowly and move it back and forth. It's really hard to try not to swallow but I just kept going. I didn't pay much attention to the time because I didn't want to stop at a certain point unless it was close to the 20 minute mark. 

About 7 minutes into it I had to sneeze and tried to hold back, but it wasn't happening so up came the oil and toxins from my mouth too. Being I was still in the kitchen I just spit it out in the kitchen trash. Some of it got on my hand it it kind of burned and tingled. Not sure if that was because of the toxins I was pulling out or because it was just so warm from my mouth. I washed my hands and rinsed out my mouth. 

Today when I was pulling I did feel something a little different. I could feel me pulling something out from the back of my throat. I am not sure if this is due to pulling toxins from other parts of my body or if it was from my lymphatic system since I still battling with environmental allergies. 

My main purpose with oil pulling is my allergies, because if I can decrease my allergies by half of what they usually are then I won't have as many headaches neither. I hope to keep doing this everyday and eventually get up to the 20 minute mark with a full tablespoon of coconut oil. One day I will incorporate essential oils but that will be once I become a professional oil puller. 

Monday, March 26, 2012

Oil Pulling Day 1

I have been reading on oil pulling for some time. I have went back and forth with it. Debating on if it's a good choice for me since I do still have 11 mercury filled fillings. After speaking with the doctor that will be removing my fillings he assured me they were not going to come out in my case. He said start off slow and work up. This was a month ago he said this and I finally took the plunge this morning.

I took 1/4 teaspoon (note NOT tablespoon) and put it in my mouth. I started to swish. It wasn't bad at all. This morning I chose coconut oil. It is unrefined and cold pressed it still has several good attributes and properties to it.

I took the coconut oil and let it melt a bit then I put it in my mouth. For the first 5-10 seconds I was like wow this isn't that bad. Kept swishing and trying not to do it too hard so my mouth wouldn't get sore. I kept going more and more. About 60-90 seconds in I started hacking up phlegm. I had some pretty severe congestion, allergies, and sinus pressure this past few weeks so this didn't surprise me. From what I have read and understand it can combat a variety of ailments. I just hope to overcome my allergies until I can get my gut completely healed up.

So after day 1 def not the best way I thought it would end up, but each day I will track my progress on here and post what has happened. I know some days will be better than others but the best thing is to just keep chugging along to make it happen and overcome my health issues. 

Friday, March 9, 2012

30 Days To The First Removal

I can't believe there are only 30 more days until my first appointment to remove my first quadrant of mercury filled teeth. I have so many emotions and not sure how to control them. I am excited. I am happy. I am nervous and overjoyed. I feel a sense of relief and I also feel the worry of the unknown. I wonder what if I will feel the difference immediately or will it be steady. I am anxious to work out and go for a run with my husband without having to worry about having a massive migraine for following days after.

I don't expect to be completely pain free over night, and know it's a slow process. The biggest thing is that it is something I have wanted for so long and I was determined to get it done. I put myself out there to my husband and said we have to make this work. There is no other option. I know if we don't do this now it's only going to be a matter of months before I get a diagnosis of Lupus, MS or Fibromyalgia. This is what I don't want. I love life and the blessings that Yahweh has given me. I know that he would not have given me all of them, if I wasn't going to live here long enough to enjoy them.

This has been a very tough road and I have been in pain like this since my husband met me. He could have pushed me away and didn't want to deal with it, but he didn't because Yahweh gave him to me to have as my husband. I have started to take my antioxidants and in 2 weeks I will be starting on Alpha Lipoic Acid. I will be juicing full time the week of my appointment and until for 90 days after all of my quadrants are replaced.