I am always talking about removing toxicity from our bodies. I explain it in detail on how foods can damage our bodies in so many ways. I have even taught on the importance of doing a "clean up" by cleansing the body. In the past my husband and I were very strict about who we let around our kids. We have always pushed to have them only around Godly people.
This past 9 months we have experienced first hand what will happen when you let your guard down and mingle with the devil. He seen the opportunity and we both fall in. We started to do things that we knew we didn't agree with. We stopped praying almost completely, because it felt hopeless and useless. Our kids started to have friends that were not believers at all. We allowed these people in our homes, and to our children to be with them on a daily basis.
Then there came a moment when I said NO MORE. my husband is the head of our home, but as his wife/partner that was the line. Our children started to do things they normally wouldn't do. There was strife in my home for the first time in almost 5 years that had utterly shocked me to the core. The breaking moment was about two months ago. I felt so strong in my heart for the past few months we should have moved into military housing. Even though we were in a 2 year lease this is what I felt. I ignored it and decided not to give in thinking it was my flesh and not YHWH directing me. About 6 weeks ago I finally told my husband that I wanted to move on post. We did the application, but never turned in the paperwork. Then 2 weeks later he came to me and said I have been feeling for the past few months to move on post, but didn't want to. He thought I wouldn't want to move. After reviewing our bills (currently doing the Dave Ramsey debt plan), we found no choice but to move on post.
Our rental company agreed to let us out of our lease early. They were a little upset, but after this week we won't have to worry about it at all. In the past week since we have moved on post things have already changed. There is a peace in my home that I haven't felt in a long time. There is peace with my kids and my husband having the urge to want to pray with them again. I know this was the right choice and ultimately it was the better choice. As I sit here looking out my window watching the kids play I am complete peace knowing that this was the right decision, but we had to remove the toxicity out of our home first. YHWH states many time not to mingle, and fellowship with ungodly and unbelievers. Two days after we made the decision to move on post I opened up my bible and this was the first passage I read. It was complete confirmation to us: Proverbs 23:20 Be not among heavy drinkers of wine Or with gluttonous eaters of meat; 23:21 For the drunkard and the glutton become poor, And slumber puts rags on a man.
This past 9 months we have experienced first hand what will happen when you let your guard down and mingle with the devil. He seen the opportunity and we both fall in. We started to do things that we knew we didn't agree with. We stopped praying almost completely, because it felt hopeless and useless. Our kids started to have friends that were not believers at all. We allowed these people in our homes, and to our children to be with them on a daily basis.
Then there came a moment when I said NO MORE. my husband is the head of our home, but as his wife/partner that was the line. Our children started to do things they normally wouldn't do. There was strife in my home for the first time in almost 5 years that had utterly shocked me to the core. The breaking moment was about two months ago. I felt so strong in my heart for the past few months we should have moved into military housing. Even though we were in a 2 year lease this is what I felt. I ignored it and decided not to give in thinking it was my flesh and not YHWH directing me. About 6 weeks ago I finally told my husband that I wanted to move on post. We did the application, but never turned in the paperwork. Then 2 weeks later he came to me and said I have been feeling for the past few months to move on post, but didn't want to. He thought I wouldn't want to move. After reviewing our bills (currently doing the Dave Ramsey debt plan), we found no choice but to move on post.
Our rental company agreed to let us out of our lease early. They were a little upset, but after this week we won't have to worry about it at all. In the past week since we have moved on post things have already changed. There is a peace in my home that I haven't felt in a long time. There is peace with my kids and my husband having the urge to want to pray with them again. I know this was the right choice and ultimately it was the better choice. As I sit here looking out my window watching the kids play I am complete peace knowing that this was the right decision, but we had to remove the toxicity out of our home first. YHWH states many time not to mingle, and fellowship with ungodly and unbelievers. Two days after we made the decision to move on post I opened up my bible and this was the first passage I read. It was complete confirmation to us: Proverbs 23:20 Be not among heavy drinkers of wine Or with gluttonous eaters of meat; 23:21 For the drunkard and the glutton become poor, And slumber puts rags on a man.
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