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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Day You Were Born (Alissa)

This is a letter to my oldest daughter. I wrote her a letter on the day she was born and I did this for each of my blessings.

Dear Alissa, I was only 36 weeks in my pregnancy with you. It was the night before Thanksgiving and I lived with Grandma and Pampo. We lived in Fort Collins Colorado at the time. We always did Thanksgiving BIG. With all the good food, desserts, and enough food to last us weeks. On our way home on Wednesday night I slipped on ice. It had been snowing and not all of it had melted. I felt fine. That was about 8pm. Around midnight as I was laying in grandma's bed I felt my first contraction. It wasn't something that I had ever felt before. I went to sleep and didn't think nothing of it. The next morning I woke up early and before the sun was even out. It was still pretty cold out. I remember not wanting to go anywhere that day. I took a shower and got ready for the day of eating. I was so happy my whole pregnancy because of all the yummy food that I knew Grandma and Pampo would be cooking up. It was just us family there. Only your aunties and grandma and Pampo. All day I just felt weird. I kept getting pains in my back and stomach. I didn't know then that they were contractions. I wasn't able to eat much but I did snack all day. Around 8pm the contractions started to get worse but they weren't steady. So I thought they were just the good ol braxton hicks contractions. Around midnight after we settled down and were watching tv for a bit and I threw up. I know it's not what most kids want to hear, but I did. I laid on the couch and decided to try to sleep. I couldn't sleep on my bed because my back was hurting too much. Around 2 am I wake up your Auntie Adella and told her to go get grandma and Pampo. I knew then something wasn't right. Pampo had me time the contractions and he knew that I was in labor. I wasn't ready though. I hadn't even packed our hospital bags and you were a month early, but God had a different plan. We called the doctor and he said that when I couldn't talk through my contractions or they were 4 minutes apart to come in. About 45 minutes later we realized that they were about 3 minutes apart. We headed to the hospital and checked me in. After checking my vitals and you we quickly found out that I was already 5 centimeters dialated. There was no turning back you were coming into this world. Contractions kept getting closer and hurt more. I chose to get some medication in my IV to help with the pain. Around 11am your dad and his family came into the hospital. Right around noon you blessed us with your presence. Your dad, Grandma Bonnie, Auntie Adella and Auntie Laura were in the room with me. As I looked over I knew what your name was going to be Missy Lissy. The rest is history. 


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